Getting StartedConnectWallet

Using and customizing the ConnectWallet

This is the main component. It is responsible for rendering the connect/disconnect button. onConnectFailure, onConnectSuccess, and onDisconnect callbacks can be passed to IdentityKitProvider

import { IdentityKitProvider, ConnectWallet } from "@nfid/identitykit/react"
export const YourApp = () => {
  return <IdentityKitProvider
    onConnectFailure={(e: Error) => {}}
    onConnectSuccess={() => {}}
    onDisconnect={() => {}}
    <ConnectWallet />

But @nfid/identitykit also exports all components of which ConnectWallet is built to prodive as maximum customizations as possile.

import {
} from "@nfid/identitykit/react"
export const YourApp = () => {
  return (
      connectButtonComponent={ConnectWalletButton || YourCustomConnectButtonComponent}
      connectedButtonComponent={ConnectedWalletButton || YourCustomConnectedButtonComponent}
      dropdownMenuComponent={ConnectWalletDropdownMenu || YourCustomDropdownMenuComponent}

Note: Make sure your app is wrapped in the necessary providers. Read more.

Custom components

The ConnectWalletButton, ConnectedWalletButton and ConnectWalletDropdown components expose several ways to customize its appearance:


Props ConnectWalletButtonProps = HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement>

First, and very basic customization is children, pass them to set a custom ConnectWalletButton text. Default is “Connect wallet”.

<ConnectWalletButton>Sign in</ConnectWalletButton>

And of course className. For example to make button background red.

<ConnectWalletButton className="bg-red">Sign in</ConnectWalletButton>

And also it’s possible to create your own custom button, or even not a button, just attach onClick prop to any element, which you want to open signers modal on click:

function ConnectWalletButton({ onClick, ...props }: ConnectWalletButtonProps) {
  return (
    <div onClick={onClick}>
        Connect wallet
      <img /> // for example add some image etc.


Props ConnectedWalletButtonProps = HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement> & { connectedAccount: string, icpBalance?: number }

Just like with the previous button, basic button props can be applied, and it’s also possible to create your own custom button, which will receive next props along with default button props:

  • connectedAccount string containing address of connected account
  • icpBalance string containing connected account balance or undefined if balance is fetching
function CustomConnectedWalletButton({ connectedAccount, icpBalance, ...props }: ConnectedWalletButtonProps) {
  return (
    <ConnectedWalletButton {...props}>
      {`Disconnect ${connectedAccount} ${icpBalance} ICP`}

Note: ConnectedWalletButton is basically DropdownMenuButton with additional styles and manages opening of dropdown under the hood, so in case you want to use your own existing component for this purpose just wrap it with ConnectWalletDropdownMenuButton component


Props ConnectWalletDropdownMenuProps = { connectedAccount: string, icpBalance?: number, disconnect: () => Promise<void>}

ConnectWalletDropdownMenu is built from the next components, which @nfid/identitykit exports:

  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuButton
  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuItems
  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuItem
  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuItemText
  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuAddressItem
  • ConnectWalletDropdownMenuDisconnectItem

It’s possible to create your own DropdownComponent using these components, reorder menu items, change them or add new

function DropdownMenu({ connectedAccount, icpBalance, disconnect }: ConnectWalletDropdownMenuProps) {
  return (
      <ConnectedWalletButton connectedAccount={connectedAccount} icpBalance={icpBalance} />
      // or to make your own component for connected state and trigger dropdown on click
        <ConnectWalletDropdownMenuDisconnectItem onClick={disconnect} />
            Your custom menu item
        <ConnectWalletDropdownMenuAddressItem value={connectedAccount} />