Validation of Permission Methods

Validation of Permission Methods

Each wallet is designed to support a set of standards, with each standard specifying a list of methods. It is crucial that the wallet only grants permission to methods explicitly expected by the signer, as failing to do so may lead to potential security vulnerabilities in the future. Maintaining a list of expected permission methods and raising an error when an unapproved method is encountered is highly recommended.

The Mocked Signer (opens in a new tab) can be used as an example of a validation implementation:

export enum PermissionMethod {
  ICRC27_ACCOUNTS = "icrc27_accounts",
  ICRC34_DELEGATION = "icrc34_delegation",
  ICRC49_CALL_CANISTER = "icrc49_call_canister",
function getPermissionMethod(methodName: string): PermissionMethod {
  const method = PermissionMethod[methodName.toUpperCase() as keyof typeof PermissionMethod]
  if (!method) {
    throw new NotSupportedError(`The method name ${methodName} is not supported`)
  return method

By adhering to these recommendations, permission method validation can be successfully implemented using IdentityKit.