Local Development

Local Development

For making canister calls to local replica you need to have dfx running, and url of local replica (will be printed to console on dfx start). All of the agents from exuting-canister-calls-example should be created with host=http://localhost:{your_dfx_local_replica_port}. Note agent retrived from useIdentityHook() is using global network host by default, so in order to use it with local replica you need to create own agent and pass it to IdentityKitProvider via props. See advanced-options.


In case of not running local replica and not using it's url as a host for agents you will see 404 requests to ledger canister with retries (only in local development). That is because dfinity HttpAgent tries to fetch root key with few retries and by default will try to fetch it from your application url as well as canister calls.

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