Deploying to Production

Deploying to production

There are two steps for deploying to production:

  1. Configure the derivationOrigin
  2. Configure IdentityKitProvider for production

derivationOrigin steps

Some ICP wallets use your URL to generate wallet addresses, so it's best practice to ensure your user's wallet addresses don't change if your URL ever changes by configuring your derivationOrigin before your first production deployment.

Your folder structure will look like this by the end of these 3 steps.

├── dfx.json
├── path
│   ├── to
│   │   ├── frontend
│   │   │   ├── .ic-assets.json
│   │   │   ├── .well-known
│   │   │   │   └── ii-alternative-origins

1. Get your canister ID URL

Obtain your canister ID URL by deploying your project to ICP mainnet. You've probably already done this so you should already know what it is.

2. .ic-assets.json file

Add .ic-assets.json to your your project/frontend/src folder:

    match: ".well-known",
    ignore: false,
    match: ".well-known/ii-alternative-origins",
    headers: {
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    ignore: false,

3. .well-known folder

Add .well-known to your your project/frontend/src folder.

4. ii-alternative-origins file

Add ii-alternative-origins file to .well-known folder and all the combinations of URLs users might access your application from:

  "alternativeOrigins": [

IdentityKitProvider steps

1. Add derivationOrigin to signerClientOptions prop

Setting your derivationOrigin to the default canister deployment location ( (opens in a new tab)) will ensure your users authenticate against that origin even if you change your frontend URL.

import { IdentityKitProvider, IdentityKitTheme } from "@nfid/identitykit/react"
import { NFIDW } from "@nfid/identitykit"
const App = () => {
  return (
        derivationOrigin: "",
      <YourApp />

2. Deploy to production

Send it!


Follow this documentation (opens in a new tab) for common troubleshooting steps.